Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Fast that I Desire

Letter #54     Pastor Dan Gore        9/24/10


I think I can share something very personal with you without being perceived in the wrong way.  Hopefully I can. Today I am at the end of a mega-fast.  Though I have fasted often to this point, it has never been longer than about 36 hours.  This has been the first time I have fasted over a week, and with God’s help, feel like I could continue on much longer.  Why?  It has been out of desperation.  Between the financial trials/economy; health issues/attacks on our family, need for breakthrough in our church family, issues in our America; etc…I have to cry:  I NEED YOUR HELP JESUS!!

God gave me this: fasting is putting the Flesh Aside in order to activate some level of Spiritual Transition.FAST = Flesh Aside/ Spiritual Transition. We stop eating food in order that we may more fully eat a different food.

So, I am hungry for more.  I sense that many of you are too. So often we slip back into playing church and going through the motions of a repeat of what has already been.  Why do we do that?  Why are we always waiting on someone else to feed us and do it for us?  I am starving for what they had at Azusa Street with Seymour, in Wales with Evan Roberts, or Houston with Tommy Tenney.  There is so much more of God to yet be experienced that we almost look stupid still camping out where we have – this is not the place we are supposed to stay, folks!  If you have stopped experiencing His fire lately, is it possible that the fire and the cloud have started to move further out into His realm, and it is up to us to move with it in order to stay in His presence and not be left behind?  The dessert terrain is meant to activate us for more hunger.  Jesus has a huge smile on His face, and He is looking right at you and motioning with His hand to “Come here, I have some more things I want to show you! Pick up your temporary tabernacle and get a move on!”

This level of hunger we don’t yet have – is the vehicle for us to transition spiritually.  It is a deep longing to put aside the flesh and to then groan, wrestle, moan, ache, strive, go without, press in over and over for hours, days, weeks & months if we have to, in order to transition into the next place He has for us to tabernacle. God still is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. If we hunger and thirst for righteousness we’ll be filled!  Faith wake up!  Feel starvation! Dissatisfaction increase!  Tears flow! Glory rise! 

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