Thursday, June 30, 2011

The 2 Critical Changes Jesus Brought For Us

Church Letter #61 6/30/11 Pastor Dan Gore: 
John 17:20 “The Kingdom of God comes not with observation…behold, the Kingdom…is within you.”
John may have been very discouraged when he sat in prison while his cousin Jesus seemed to go on not noticing.  (Mat. 11:2)  Perhaps it seemed to John that Jesus was not doing enough to acknowledge him and help him in prison.   In verse 6 Jesus encourages John’s messengers not to be offended by Him.  Jesus then goes on to praise the ministry of John in front of the crowds as John’s servants are walking away.   Who else had Jesus ever praised so strongly as John in this passage? 
I may be wrong, but I get the sense from this passage that things did not turn out exactly the way John had expected, and he felt let down by it all.  Was there something in Jesus’ approach that actually offended John, sitting there in prison?  Did John discern in the Spirit that he would be put to death before ever leaving prison?   Was this the crescendo he would end his ministry on?  But, in verse 11 Jesus goes on to say that there was never anyone born of a woman greater than John.  Wow!! 
 Perhaps John was upset with the way Jesus was going about things -- that Jesus was not intending to become king this go around.   Jesus must have perceived the frustration, because He then goes on to describe the amazing role John had in setting the stage for His own ministry on earth.  Verse 13 then says that there were all these prophets in history, like John, under the Law system, who was struggling for a Kingdom they could not yet know or see except by faith.  John then was the last of these.  From now on, Jesus would say that the Kingdom has already begun and is in process.  The Holy Spirit is available to all, not just a select few.  The Kingdom would NOW begin growing like leaven in bread until it overtook the entire earth.  There are two Mega changes in Jesus’ language and scripture that I see from this point onward in the Bible.  Something very radical has changed that affects you and me today in 2011.    
Note that Jesus says something incredibly stunning, after saying that no one could hold a candle to John’s life:  “YET HE WHO IS LEAST IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS GREATER THAN HE (JOHN).”
So, are we “in the Kingdom”, even though Jesus’ second coming has not concluded?  If the Kingdom is within us, are we technically “in the Kingdom?”  I believe yes.  Not only that, but those who believe that only the pastor is qualified or that the true work of Christ does not begin until a later date, will miss the full life available through Christ.  And many miss it even today.  Their gospel message and salvation are basically powerless and dead, because of missing these two truths:
1.       The emphasis of God’s Kingdom is no longer in the future but the present.
2.       Every born-again believer is qualified, empowered and invited to do what Jesus did.
First: Jesus puts an end to the constant Futuristic way of speaking of the Kingdom.  No longer does the future event of Christ’s return define our Christian journey -- that we are raised with Christ does.   Ruling the earth and the coming Heavenly City is not our Goal, but our destiny.   Our goal is to be conformed into His image – to be Him to others.  The Kingdom is actually here NOW, in us, in the finished work of Jesus.  He defeated all of darkness and is expecting us to finish what he started.  (Mat 28:18-20)  The Kingdom is for Now, before it can be for later.  It has already begun in us, who are the saints.  Jesus will return the second time, but not to do the majority of the work.  God’s children are no longer just hoping to “make it to Heaven” – they are Heaven’s voice, will, heart and representation on earth.   They are seeking everything that it means to live “in Christ.”  Instead of separating from the world, they are invading the world’s systems and taking back what the Enemy has long enjoyed dominion in.    
 Which brings me to the second major change I see:  He now proclaims that we are qualified by Faith to do what He did.  In fact, Jesus left the scene in order that it would not get done unless we did it.  Regardless of title, race, church position, educational/biblical background, those who function by faith in Jesus Christ have unlimited access to what Jesus paid for.  Any person can do as much or little as their faith, experience and revelation permit.  Jewish Christians and those under the Law paradigm had the hardest time in the early church making this transition, no matter how amazing it was.  It is as if Jesus says to us:  “You go do it.  It’s up to you, my child – whosoever will live by faith.” (Mark 11:22-26) Though there are still important offices and administration, no longer is it just for the rare pastor, the evangelist, prophet or one gifted in miracles – but we are to become these ourselves by faith. 
So this to me is why John, who was the greatest until Jesus, is like the least in the Kingdom.   While our own personal efforts/sacrifice will likely never match John’s in this life-time, I think we have this huge advantage over John (and all the bible heroes of old) in that we get to walk in greater fullness of the Holy Spirit and what Jesus has accomplished.   If these pressed on so hard based on so little revelation of a future Jesus, what is the limit of our calling who have tasted the Heavenly gifts?    New realities and dimensions were suddenly made available in the ministry of Jesus that were never before available in the history of the bible – and oh are they doozies…huge game changers for those who have eyes to see.  We praise you Lord!
John was the best and John was the last -- was faithful perfectly and wonderfully to what God called him to do.  Even though he baptized Jesus -- he was the last of those great Old Testament messengers who lived entirely preparing for the future Kingdom and arrival of the Messiah. .   We are not like John – who did not yet capture the fullness of Christ -- the unlimited intimacy of God through the fullness of the Holy Spirit.  It is time we lived more fully in the reality of who we already are in Him.  And for those still waiting for the second return of Christ to fix everything before going after it; for those who see themselves as yet not qualified and think it is for the pastor to do…you may want to read your bible a little more closely.   Jesus changed things.   These two changes will be experienced for years to come in USA and globally as their revelation becomes more real over time.    
Help us Lord!!  Go seize it!  Go take the Kingdom.  GO walk in the supernatural.   Go do great exploits for Jesus.  Ask Him to teach you to do the impossible through Him.  You are perfectly qualified through Christ.  He wants you to take and then use what He paid for.  The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead now lives in you.  Go find out what that really means.  The new opportunities are now almost infinite.  We are not waiting on God so much as He is waiting on us to walk in these new realities/realms of faith.        

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Faith to Pick a Fight

Letter #60  3/11/11  Pastor Dan Gore  THE FAITH TO PICK A FIGHT

1 Timothy 6:12 "Fight the good fight of Faith"

Sometimes LOVE by itself, is not enough.  You can love someone in great need, but not have anything in your hand to do anything to change their situation.  A Christian with great compassion and love for others is not a guarantee of a Christian with power to change stuff.  We can love others, and still have very little ability to influence their problem or need.  But if you have a Christian dominated by love, who ALSO walks in the power/authority of God to change things and outcomes -- now that is something to behold and praise God for.  Don't just be known for your love.  Be known also as someone who, when you pray, things happen.  This too is love.

One of the main keys to influence, is radical faith.  We need Christians dominated by love, but we need even more, Christians dominated by love, who exercise the faith to influence things and turn things.  Radical faith is not all that difficult.  Faith changes outcomes.  (Biblical) faith interrupts and changes desperate problems for a new outcome. 

There is a faith that pleases the Lord: a persistent faith that is not controlled or dictated to by what is seen on the outside; a faith that looks at something that does not even seem possible or rational and re-creates the outcome.  A faith that boldly speaks to the problem with authority: Mountain, get up and move in the mighty name of Jesus!  There is a faith that ignores what is said or seen in the natural; ignores fear, and JUST BELIEVES.

Even though David should have been no match for the giant named Goliath,  the FAITH in David was offended by what Goliath was doing.  David saw the injustice and the Spirit of God in him responded quickly and appropriately.  What injustices does you faith see?  To be honest, we should get offended more often.  Perceive the strategies of God, and go do the impossible through Jesus.  Do you have the faith to pick a fight with a giant?  Is there anyone or anything harassing you that has no business looking down on you and persecuting you? 

 There is a faith that is not so concerned about what can be seen on the outside.  What is seen may not be accurate.  There is a kind of faith that declares in the name of Jesus:  WHAT YOU SEE IS NOT WHAT YOU GET...with God.  WHAT YOU SEE IS ABOUT TO BE OVER-RULED, OVER-TURNED, TRUMPED.  WHAT YOU SEE IS ON ITS LAST LEG, AND IS STILL TRYING TO CONVINCE YOU OTHERWISE.  WHAT YOU SEE IS ABOUT TO BE EVICTED FROM THE PREMISES, BY YOUR PRAYER; BY YOUR FAITH PARTNERING UP WITH THE WRITTEN WORD.  Can I be blunt about faith, without offending anyone?  YOU ARE STILL AFRAID AND INTIMIDATED BY "IT", AND "IT" IS ACTUALLY SCARED YOU ARE ABOUT TO APPLY ENOUGH FAITH TO THROW IT'S ASS BACK INTO HELL WHERE IT CAME FROM.  Who will blink first?  Who is more convinced of their own position?    

Remember reading about when Jesus crossed a lake for the purpose of picking a fight? (Mark 5) Legion knew why Jesus bothered to pick that exact place to park the boat on this particular day.  There was about to be a fight for dominion and outcome.  Some of our faith needs to be for that purpose alone: to change the outcome of an impossible situation; to change dominion.  Legion was an army of demons who no one could subdue within this poor man living in the tombs.  Just by showing up, Jesus turned Legion Mafia into Legion Baby, whining, crying, begging for mercy from the Man.  Jesus' faith went out and picked a fight that day... and confronted a Legion of hell's demons.  Jesus is looking for men & women to follow in these foot-steps.  Who will take a stand and push back?  Whose faith will cause a violent reaction?  Who has the faith to pick a fight.  Who has the faith, that when they walk up, the forces of darkness are afraid of them?  You should scare the bad guys!  Its true.  They should see you coming up and become very concerned. 

If disease, or poverty, or divorce, or cancer, etc. is a dark spirit:  then consider that that spirit you are afraid of is actually afraid of you...when you start pressing in with determination faith, based on the bible.  Consistently applied faith, regardless of what you "see" in the natural, is one of the most potent and dangerous forces against the darkness on the planet.  But we often pull back just a few minutes too early, just when the enemy thought you were serious and he was about to give up the prize and hand it over to you in fear. 

If you are converted/saved, then He is no respecter of persons.  God's word about something is potent, regardless of who is praying the word.  God's Spirit in a man or woman is potent regardless of what the doctor's prognosis may declare in the natural realm.   God's cross and blood are potent, regardless of who is laying claim to them.  God's very name is potent, regardless of who may be screaming out: "JESUS!!  Help me!".   We must continually doubt our doubts.  Don't have great faith in negative forces.  Don't just assume something can't be changed.  We look at all disease and anything putting us at dis-ease as something that cannot possibly withstand the assault of Glory.  The assault of Glory.  The assault of your faith in action.  The assault of the man/woman of faith in agreement with the Word of God to over-ride the very sign/symptom of disease.  Keep assaulting the problem. Keep putting the force and power of God-given anointing on that thing, and see how much it can take.  Keep persisting over and over until you wear the thing down.  Keep applying the anointing liberally upon the problem until it can no longer stand up to you, or stand you.  Your opponent is not invincible...not a god...not that tough...come on now.   

Look around you.  Look at your home, your neighborhood, your city, state, and nation.  Do you see any injustice?  Do you see any giants who have trespassed and defiantly ignored the Lord and done evil.  Will you declare war over those things that are against life, health, peace, love, and the Word?  Rarely will the Lord not heal someone when these things are applied consistently.  Even if He does not heal or provide breakthrough, it does not mean we give up on all the others.  Choosing to live a radical life of faith, regardless of the proof we see with our eyes, pleases the heart of God.  He loves to see us become stubborn and radical with our faith.  And without faith, we cannot possibly please Him.  Radical faith says: I know what I see on the outside -- but that is not necessarily the way its got to be.  The things that are not seen dictate to the things seen --- not visa versa.  Is that truth firmly in our heart?  Will your faith become offended and lead you to pick a fight?  Will you stand up and fight for the weak and those who are unable to defend themselves yet?  

Will you say inside your heart:  "I'm curious if the Jesus in me could over-rule that situation.  Lets just find out. I'm just crazy enough to pray for something that is impossible."  All things are possible to those who are in Christ Jesus.  "I want to go pick a fight with a few terminal illnesses and see what God might do.   I want to go step in front of that Mac truck of despair and run IT off the road.  Wait until my anointing gets hold of that.  Lets see if disease can resist my Jesus and His blood.  Lets see if that situation can resist a bold person of faith.  Lets just see about that."   And the Lord seems to be saying to us: "Whomsoever....will pick up my Name and use it.  Whomsoever will pick up my cross and use it.  Whomsoever will pick up my Holy Spirit healing anointing and use it.... can have whatever they ask for that is in line with my Word.  It is theirs for the taking.  Go take it.  Go mess up the world with it. Go turn your world upside down with it."  If you are willing to persist even when you have already prayed a thousand times over it with the bible; if you are willing to not give up your faith and press Daddy God until you see your miracle; if you are willing to destroy your enemy with persistent love, and not let TIME cause you to quit, you may just actually have whatever you ask for.

1 John 5:4 "Whatever is born of God overcomes the world: and this is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith.  KJV

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Grand Illusion

CHURCH LETTER #58: HAPPY NEW YEAR  1/22/11 Pastor Dan G.

As we look ahead towards a new year of our lives and use this time as an opportunity to re-charge the batteries, I wanted to copy you one of my favorite pieces by a great missions evangelist named Mike Francen called “THE GRAND ILLUSION”.  There is video of Mike in the heart of India, with about 100,000 mostly Hindu watching, asking them to bring him a deaf person, a blind person, and a lame person up onto the stage.  Then he would tell them he would pray in the name of their gods first. Nothing happened.  Then told them he would pray in the name of Jesus, but if the three were not healed, that he would pack up and leave the country and end the crusade right then and there.  This challenge was a common way he would use to get the crowd’s attention.  And then suddenly God healed all three for Mike “in the name of Jesus”, in front of their very eyes. This and many other healing miracles would cause thousands to become convicted and approach the stage to receive Christ as their personal Savior. Their many gods never healed so many in their city of diseases, but this Jesus just did.  Praise God!  
If you are like me, you may want to read the following more than once and really chew on the ideas here, and how they might bless your own journey.  Hope you enjoy: 

The greatest building has yet to be erected. The greatest invention has yet to be patented. The greatest song has yet to be composed, the greatest book yet to be written. The most profound thought has yet to be perceived, the most amazing theory yet to be proven. The most beautiful poem has yet to be penned, the most powerful sermon yet to be preached. The largest church has yet to be known. The grandest victory has yet to be realized. The greatest wealth has yet to be accumulated. The largest offering has yet to be given. The greatest day has yet to dawn.
The grand illusion has been painted. Scores have purchased another’s idea of success. What is the 'grand illusion'? - "It’s all been done, we have it all, it's not possible." Mediocrity, passivity, status quo, and average stand and curse the limitless potential and destiny of those who would dare to soar.
Some say: 'Take it easy'. I say: 'Take a chance'. Some say: 'Take care'. I say: 'Take charge'. Some look to 'retire'. I say: 're-fire'. Courage is not the absence of fear -- it is the conquering of it. When you dare to attack it, fear will then loosen its grip on you. Opportunity does not come to those who wait; rather it comes to those who attack. Those who risk nothing gain nothing. 
The richest place on the planet is not the diamond mines of South Africa, nor the oil fields of Kuwait. The richest place on the planet is the cemetery. In the cemetery we bury inventions never produced, ideas and dreams that never became reality, and hopes and aspirations that were never pursued. 
Many take to the grave the most vibrant and explosive resource the world could ever know — God given dreams and visions. IT'S TIME TO DREAM AGAIN! The poorest man is not the one without a penny, but he who is without a dream. 
People today poison the daring young mind with toxic thoughts of timidity and failure. They spew venomous criticism that says "settle down and be like everyone else." God says "Rise up and take a stand. Dream big enough to challenge your faith." Dream big enough for God to fit into your dreams. I am not talking about being weird; I am talking about being unique. There is a difference. 
The only limitations we have are the size of our dreams and the degree of our determination. Who is the man who can determine what is impossible? From the dreams of yesterday to the reality of today — to the hope of our tomorrow: every great achievement commanding honor in the annals of the world began as a dream. Nothing great was ever achieved without it. 
Many today disengage when just on the horizon lays a glimpse of the victory. Weary from the journey, an attitude begins to weave its web that says: "No matter what happens the rest of the way, this voyage has been a success." Satisfied with present attainments, they hope to coast into the finale.
A dear friend of mine once posed this thought to me: "Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, and today is a gift. That is why they call it - the present". Take advantage of the present. Seize today. The best way to predict the future - CREATE IT! Do it today. Someday is not a day of the week. 
The past is our teacher, the present our opportunity, and the future is our friend. People relish the past. At the turn of the century the impact of the great Welsh and Azusa street revivals swept across the world. In the 40's and 50's a healing revival caused huge tents and auditoriums to be filled to capacity. Today people long for the return of the old. We are chained to the past, too often limited to barriers and borders of our forefathers. Let us learn from the past, at the same time avoid being bound to it. God says: 'Behold, I will do a new thing'. (Is. 43: 18)